Monday, June 11, 2007

Raging Strep Update

Frick. Ainsley's doctor's office called this afternoon and, even though the rapid strep came back negative Thursday, her strep culture from the lab came back positive this morning. So she has strep.

On the one hand, hah! I feel vindicated. I told you so, nanny-nanny-boo-boo, and all that. On the other hand...poor baby. She's been sick since Thursday, and has wanted to sleep all the time, and I made her go back to daycare today because I believed she just had a cold. I suck. I KNEW that kid had strep and didn't stick to my guns. I'm no doctor, but I know my kid. She does not run fevers unless she has a bacterial infection. She's only had one other fever over 102, and that was the only other time she had strep. Dang it.

She's gonna get some quality sick-time with her mama tomorrow. I'm going to stay home with her (yes, and push back the official end to my school year one more day) and feed her popsicles and let her watch Madagascar (she likes to move it move it...she likes to..MOVE IT!) And give her her antibiotic, of course. Now that she has one. Grrr.

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