Monday, September 17, 2007

Get Thee Behind Me, Synthetic Silk-Like Fabric

Seen on the marquee of a local Baptist church:

When Satin knocks
Let Jesus answer.

Wow. I mean, I've been tempted by Denim, and Microfiber drunk-dialed me once, but I didn't even think about Satin. Thanks, Freewill Baptist!


Shan said...

OMG...I read this like three times and then it hit me...that is too funny.

Did I tell you about the church marquee I saw a few years ago:

Today the Lord has Risen. Tuesday, Euchre.

Anonymous said...

Almost as good as the "Pracice Gym" that hung FOREVER in a fine, educational facility....hahaha

Anonymous said...

Hehehe...I really got the giggles when I read this one. I giggled so much, my 3 year old asked me what I was laughing about. It reminded me of the time my husband had a concert at a church where the pastor's name was Richard B. Long. Think about it. ;)

Anonymous said...

Why didn't I post to this one the last time I was here?

_Of course_ it was a Baptist church! Haven't you heard the old joke that a Methodist is just a Baptist that can read? I can crack that one because I started out a Baptist and converted. I still love a lot of Baptists, but spelling ain't their strong suit.


DH has kept a photo from the L'ville paper of locals marching in DC when the supreme court heard our school desegregation case because they were carrying a banner reading, I shit you not, "March for better educaction." I'd post the photo if I weren't so tech-stupid. Mr. Cranky, you'll have to teach me how to work that, so I can be more multi-media in my blog comments.

Last thing and then I'll have to start trying to go to sleep. I may be back down here in a couple hours if it doesn't take. Ahh, insomnia, my boon companion.

My former boss, who was director of HR in a New Jersey plastics manufacturing concern, told me of a church marquee he'd seen in NYC. The spelled-out letters read, "Tired of sin? Come on in!" Someone had added the words, "If not, call 999-9999." It was not, according to Rick, a fake phone number. I didn't ask.