Thursday, August 30, 2007

Don't Ask Me On a Straight Tequila Weekend

Cranky's not having a good week, kids. Three after-school meetings, a note home and phone call home from a teacher about Ainsley's work habits (that one's a story for a separate blog), and then comes tonight's little turd on top of the poo-poo sundae that has been my week: a water main broke in our little corner of the world and our water is brown. Actually, it has progressed in the past hour from "water with a pinch of dirt" to something that can only be described as, and pardon my language, shit water. And I didn't realize we had this little problem until after I took my post-workout shower. I guess the river of mud flowing into the drain should have alerted me, but I didn't have my contacts in, so I just thought it was a really interesting shadow.

If I can't drink our water tomorrow, I won't despair. It is a long weekend, and with the week I've had, I am sure I can find something in the fridge or pantry that will suffice.

So if you don't hear from me for a while, or if I post a blog this weekend that makes less sense than usual, you'll know it's just the tequila talking.

1 comment:

Shan said...

That good, huh? I am so sorry to hear about the water main...that would suck (and pun intended)