Monday, August 27, 2007

Goin' Home to Glory

We are now the proud owners of a Black Moor goldfish named Glory. Praise Jesus. Hallelujah. And also with you.

Ainsley got an aquarium for her birthday (not from us; from someone who will never have to clean it) and after one week of cycling the water, testing the pH and ammonia, and earning Associate's degrees in goldfish care and management, we felt we were ready. We took the plunge Friday, and we let Ainsley name the fish entirely on her own. As it happens, she learned a little song to go with the "Glory Be" prayer this week in school, so she was inspired to give fishy a religious name. Ahh, Catholic education.

So far, so good. Glory is still alive. (Amen, sister!) And she/he is fun to watch. We have a talent for getting stupid pets, though, and Glory is no exception. She is pretty oblivious to the whole feeding thing. I thought the first time we threw some flakes her way, she'd do the typical aquarium fish feeding frenzy. She didn't even seem to notice that we had lifted the lid. I caught myself calling her name and making kissy noises like I used to do with Scout, but it didn't quite have the same effect with a fish. Glory just watched, doing that cute little fish-mouth thing, as flakes drifted right down in front of her nose (do fish have noses?). She eventually found the flakes on the pebbles and now spends her entire day looking among the pebbles for something to eat. At least her stupidity entertains her.

I was shocked to learn that with good care a goldfish can live a dozen or more years (!) and that if we don't kill her off, she will need a larger tank when she reaches full growth. I had no idea we were in for such a commitment.

I am already attached to the dumb little thing, so I've been worrying and fussing over her ammonia levels and her roughage intake. Hubby has been doing the necessary water changes to keep everything healthy. And Ainsley says Glory is her best friend (I can't wait until she tells that to a stranger.)

So every day, I can say I'm going home to Glory, and it will be the truth. I'm testifyin'! As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world with out end, amen!

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